Monday 21 November 2011

...fever time again

Well it happened - her fever hit 38.4, so I made the call to page Aly's oncologist.  I knew exactly what she was going to say " need to take her to emerg."  So I gathered a few things I knew we would need, like her DVD player, some movies and some snacks, then headed down to KGH.  We were seen immediately by the triage nurse and Aly was very cooperative when the nurse took her temp and oxygen levels.  Her temp came up as 37.4 but I didn't feel about bringing her down because at home I took her temp about 3 times and each time got a reading of over 38.  There wasn't a nurse in emerg who was experienced, or comfortable in accessing ports, so they had to call down a nurse ( that we knew) from Peds and she was great with Aly.  First she put a gripper in the Pablo ( the character from the Backyardigans) stuffed toy that Aly brought with her, then she was able to access Aly with little drama.  We waited the usual 60 minutes for the results of the bloodwork and we were pleased to hear that she was not neutropenic and her white blood count was decent.  Now we just had to wait for a urine sample before we could be discharged.  So waiting for a child to pee is far worse than waiting for paint to dry, especially at 2am.  It seems like she hasn't peed since about 7pm - how is that even possible when she is hooked up to fluids.  So they then ordered some additional fluids to get things moving. We finally got our sample and once the nurse returned to remove her port, we were able to leave.  I think we got home just after 4am - wow what a night.  But it wasn't over for me.  Aly wanted to eat when we get home and also watch some TV - - she seemed to be wide awake.  Now I couldn't leave her up all alone, so I made her some snacks and watched some TV in bed with her.  She tossed and turned for some time and eventually fell asleep - - just at the same time the puppy woke up - lucky me.  Well I saw the sun begin to rise so I decided to make some coffee and watch the news - - I would have the rest of the day to nap :)

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