Saturday, 12 November 2011

I feel like a short order cook for an unhappy customer

So Aly is back on steroids after a week long break.  Unfortunately it seems the side effects ( moody, picky eating etc) did not go away during that week long break, and now that we are on them again ( I like how I say "we") ..... it is intense.  I am not really sure if it the steroids, the effects of the "red devil" drug, or that she is just a moody 3 year old that doesn't feel her best.  It's probably just a combination of it all.  Now her appetite hasn't really increased, but her perception of being hungry has.  That sounds weird, but she asks for such particular food but after I cook it, she won't eat it.  Tonight I picked her up from a visit with Granny and Popa.  She initially said that she didn't want any dinner, but then she wanted to try our chili - she didn't like it.  Then she wanted a pancake with chocolate chips and syrup - and she wanted to help me make it - - so we made it.  She then had some crazy meltdown about wanting lettuce and tomato with it - - because in the movie Ratatouille the chef makes a pancake with a "leaf" under it.  It sounded weird, but eventually we caved and did what she said - - she wanted a piece of romaine lettuce between two chocolate chip pancakes ( yuk).  She took about a couple of bites of it - then was done.  Then she wanted a cheese slice, then a yogurt.  She asked for another egg sandwich, but we had just made one about an hour earlier and she didn't it - so I told her she couldn't have another one.  Then she wanted a fried egg that she could dip her toast in - I made that but she didn't eat it.  I was beginning to lose my patience - - it's crazy that she is wasting all this food.  What is even crazier, is that I continue to make the food for her.  I mean really, at what age does a kid understand that food costs money and we can't just waste food !!
Throughout all of this struggle to have her eat something, I also had to figure out how I was going to get her to take her meds.  She had to take ondanzatron to ease her upset stomach ( from her chemo on Friday) and her dexamethasone ( steroid).  It turns out that ( for now) Honey seems to be the answer.  She loves honey, and since it is so sweet, it seems to mask the taste of the drugs.  So I mix them together and giver her a spoonful of honey and meds.
So all of this happened within a 2 hour period and I am exhausted - - it's probably the first time that I actually got angry - - and was trying to explain to her that I can't continue to make her food if she is not going to eat it.  I had to keep walking away from her and take a breath - - and then she acknowledged it and said that sshe just wanted me to not be angry with her.  Wow - that was like her kicking my while I was down.  So at this point I realized it was time for bed.  I am not sure if she needed to go to sleep, but I sure needed the quiet time.  So it's now 9:06 and she is wide awake. Brian is making her garlic bread and she just yelled from her room and asked if I could come and sing the Lion King songs to her...... so off I go.  I wonder what time she will fall asleep at.

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