Sunday, 20 November 2011

...borderline fever

Well its after 3 am and am laying in bed with Aly. I heard her yelling for me at about 215 am and came into see her. She said she had a bad dream, and I could see that she felt out of sorts. After filling her request of wanting garlic bread, I went in search of the thermometer to take her temperauture. Why do kids always, well at least Aly, have to get fevers in the middle of the night? Why can't it happen sometime between 8-4 Monday thru Friday? Anyway, over the past hour have taken her temperature about 12 times. The magic number is 38. When her temperature reaches 38 need to page the oncologist, regardless of time, and 99% of the time, take her down to emerg. Well tonight her temperature is 37.8 close. BUT, hve always been told " do not round up" hs to be 38. Well it may not b 38, but its close enough that I will not be leaving her side tonight.
  We had a "week off" from treatment this past week, but as of last Friday her bloodcounts were good and she was not nutropenic.  The chemo causes her white blood cells to drop, but at the same time, the steroids increase them. Her last dose of steroids was Friday morning, so am curious as to what her counts are.
So its now 330 and she is fast asleep. I want to take her temp again, but dont want to disturb her. I think tomorrow, assuming her fever doesn't spike will be low key and kept away from others, just cse her counts have dropped.  We return to the clinic on Tuesday for bloodwork, and if her counts are good we begin the next phase of treatment which begins with n overnight admission for chemo and daily visits to the clinic. Its gonna be  long week ( not to mention the fact that Brian heads back to BC to work on Wed)
 .....good night! (....temp is still 37.8)

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