Monday 5 September 2011

Fundraiser Update - - a note from Denise!

Hi Everyone,

Now that we're into September, the "Raising Hope for Aly" fundraiser is not far off. Just a reminder that if your reservation has changed in anyway to please contact me at
Names will be checked off at the door, and payment will be received at the door for the evening. Our silent auction items are amazing, and there is a fantastic variety of something for everyone. Just a reminder that cheques or cash are the method of payment for the auction. Seating at the restaurant is indoors and out, so please dress according to the temperatures (patio will be covered with a tent)

Looking forward to a fantastic evening. See you on the 17th!

Denise Leonard

1 comment:

  1. Denise, on behalf of all Aly's family I want to thank you for the wonderful effort you have made on Aly's behalf. It's been a very difficult time for all of us in the family and to have someone who just takes the lead and does something like this is beyond my gratitude and thanks.
    From all of us in the Family we thank you with all our hearts and knowing you as someone who realy cares about Aly is a special blessing.
