Well we have our good days, we have definitely had our bad days - - but with all of the struggles pushed briefly to the side, all things can get a little bit bright all because a little girl made a wish! Now I will have to confess that her original wish was to meet Justin Beiber, and although I didn't force her to change her mind - I did play her a few you tube videos of Disney World and promised her that it was the most magical place on earth. I won her over when I told her about the Jedi Acadmeny. "You mean I can meet Darth Vadar ....I can fight him?" From that point forward she was SOLD! So she did it - she made a wish through the Queen's University chapter of the Make a Wish Foundation. They came to meet her, they got to know her ... and they have planned the most amazing trip for her. We are leaving this week to go to Disney world. I have to chuckle when I tell people we are going to Disney- and how Aly had her wish granted ... and they say "wow, you are so lucky". Well - - not really. Trust me, although I am super excited to go to Disney I would give it up in a heartbeat if if meant we didn't have to go through all that we have over the past 2 years.
I just realized yesterday that we will be in Florida when we celebrate her "Cancerversary". Not that we will be celebrating her diagnosis - but we can take some time to apprecaite the fact that she has come so far and she is doing so well. I struggle these days as we have a few friends that are still deep in the fight - - I feel guilty that she is doing so well - - its crazy I know, but when others are suffering, the news is not good and decisions need to be made - I think back to the day we received Aly's diagnosis. Her doctor said " it's the good leukemia". And at that moment I couldn't grasp those words. I thought " did she just saw that?" Flash forward 2 years - and I get it. I have often said here that I never want to take her "remission" for granted, but on the anniversary of her diagnosis I will hug her and take the time to appreciate all that she has been through, how resiliant she is, and how proud I am to have such a brave, strong fighter as my daughter.